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Post by 8DonCo Sat Feb 25, 2023 10:35 am

FDA approves first over-the-counter at-home test for COVID-19, flu

Why do we need this ? Lucira

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved the first over-the-counter at-home test for both COVID-19 and the flu on Friday. 

The FDA said in a release that the test can differentiate between and detect Influenza A and B, which most commonly cause the flu in humans, and SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19. 
Jeff Shuren, the director of the FDA’s Center for Devices and Radiological Health, said in the release that the test is a “major milestone” to increase consumers’ access to tests that can be taken at home. 

“The FDA strongly supports innovation in test development, and we are eager to continue advancing greater access to at-home infectious disease testing to best support public health needs,” he said. “We remain committed to working with test developers to support the shared goal of getting more accurate and reliable tests to Americans who need them.” 

The all-in-one test, called the Lucira COVID-19 & Flu Test, is meant for people who have symptoms of a respiratory tract infection. People 14 years old and older will be allowed to collect the samples themselves, while an adult can collect the samples for testing for individuals as young as 2 years old. 
To use the test, a user will move a nasal swab with a sample in a test unit to learn in 30 minutes or less if they are positive for the flu or COVID-19. 

In a study, the test successfully detected 100 percent of negative and 88.3 percent of positive COVID-19 samples, 99.3 percent of negative and 90.1 percent of positive Influenza A samples and 99.9 percent of negative Influenza B samples.
Not enough cases of Influenza B are circulating to include in a study, and Lucira will continue to collect samples to determine how the test is able to detect it in real-world settings, the release said.

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Why do we need this ? JQrjmZ


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Why do we need this ? Empty Re: Why do we need this ?

Post by 8DonCo Sat Feb 25, 2023 10:36 am

Lấy Covid test không có thì Flu , simple Smile

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Why do we need this ? JQrjmZ


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Post by LoveStory08 Sat Feb 25, 2023 12:54 pm

Where do they sell them?


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Post by Nhỏ Lan Sat Feb 25, 2023 12:58 pm

Cái nầy nó test cho flu luôn hả anh 8?

Nhỏ Lan

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Why do we need this ? Empty Re: Why do we need this ?

Post by 8DonCo Sat Feb 25, 2023 1:03 pm

Nhỏ Lan wrote:Cái nầy nó test cho flu luôn hả anh 8?

Yes but what’s the point? 

Khi bịnh thì test Covid-19 không có thì flu, simple

Why do we need this ? C7f64202b0357f04c779d805f437c5fc

Why do we need this ? JQrjmZ


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Post by Rice Sat Feb 25, 2023 1:28 pm

ông 8: it's important to diagnose flu early like within 24-48 hours thì thuốc Tamiflu sẽ rất có hiệu nghiệm reduce symtomps rất tốt, but àfter 48 hours rồi, thuốc Tamiflu ko có hiê.u nghiệm . Ko bị Covid, cũng có thể bị cold, chưa chắc gì bị flu. Bị cold thì ko có thuốc but bị flu giờ có thuốc rồi, mà flu symptoms ác ôn hơn cold. Với tui nếu cái flu test kit is effective/accurate, I'd love to have and use it to identify flu early để uống thuốc để reduce symptoms. Cái này quan trọng, say you need to attend an important work or family functions or young kids need to take important exams. Nếu biết được flu sớ, dớt thuốc flu vô, giãm gần 50% lận but phải diagnose < 48 hours.
So, YES, I need and would use flu test kit. Again, flu khác với cold, and ko có Covid thì co' thể bị cold or flu


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Why do we need this ? Empty Re: Why do we need this ?

Post by 8DonCo Sat Feb 25, 2023 3:01 pm


Vậy mà công ty nầy đang file chapter 11 , not important ít order 😀

Why do we need this ? C7f64202b0357f04c779d805f437c5fc

Why do we need this ? JQrjmZ


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Post by Rice Sat Feb 25, 2023 4:58 pm

ông 8: món này bán chắc ít chạy . Why? tại phải bỏ tiền túi . Health insurance in the US is a bit complicated compared to Canada. Ví dụ tui có dạng HSA health insurance, nếu xài ko hết năm nay mang sang năm khác và mỗi lần đi bác sỹ khi có cold or flu, chém $275, trã từ HSA account (tie^`n insurance tui đóng vô HSA). But for me, it's cheaper to buy the flu kit, tại cũng pay ra từ HSA account and more convenient than going to the dr's office nhưng ~ người có loại insurance khác, ko phải HSA, ko xài thì ko mang sang năm khác được, họ đi tới dr's office rẻ hơn nhiều, or even urgent care at CVS or Walgreen, fast and rẻ hơn khi họ cùng insurance của họ . Nên món đây bán khó chạy à because it comes down to the cost for general population.


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