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Chuyện Ma - Page 5 Empty Re: Chuyện Ma

Post by Phuoc Tue Aug 29, 2023 9:03 pm

Channeled information from the Galactic Federation



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Chuyện Ma - Page 5 Empty Re: Chuyện Ma

Post by Phuoc Wed Aug 30, 2023 10:17 pm

Từ Sam's channel, mình biết đuợc Matias De Stefano, "I remember all my past lives".  Sam verified with the Galectic Federation about the authenticity of Matias.




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Chuyện Ma - Page 5 Empty Re: Chuyện Ma

Post by Phuoc Wed Sep 06, 2023 4:09 pm

Talking to Heaven A Medium's Message of Life After Death by James Van Praagh


What is energy?  Energy is everything.  Energy is made of molecules rotating or vibrating at various rates of speed.  In our physical world, molecules rotate at a very slow rate of speed. Also, everything in this physical world vibrate at a constant speed.  That is why things on earth appear to be solid.  The slower the speed, the more dense or solid the thing.  Beyond our 3D world, the molecules vibrate at a much faster or higher rate of speed.  Therefore, in such a subtle environment, as the spirit world, things are freer and less dense.


Within our physical body is another body usually called astral, etheric, or spirit body.  This body is an exact replica of our physical body.  The big difference between the two is that the etheric body's molecules vibrate at a much faster and higher rate than its physical counterpart.  During the transition called death, this etheric body is released or freed from the physical body.  The etheric body has no disease or fatigue that once was a part of the physical body, and it has the ability to move from one point to another through thought.


Those who are able to tune into the faster vibration of the spirit body after death, either in a physical or a mental way, are called sensitives or mediums.

Human beings are made of the superconscious, the subconscious, and the conscious minds.  In mediumship all thoughts, feelings and sights are transmitted through a medium's superconscious, or spirit mind.  We all are constantly picking up spirit impressions in this way, but it is the medium who is able to interpret them.  The message then moves into the conscious mind and is revealed.


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Chuyện Ma - Page 5 Empty Re: Chuyện Ma

Post by Phuoc Wed Sep 06, 2023 4:27 pm

Spirit Communication

When I feel the subtle energies around me shift, I relax and open my mind to the thoughts of those attempting to communicate.
I can feel the death condition, assoicated with the individual making contact.  When the spirit returns to the earth atmosphere, it picks up the memory associated with its last time on the physical plane.  For almost all, it is the death condition that is the most vivid.

When someone passes to the other side of life, it does not mean that he or she has learned all the secrets of the universe.  At death, only the physical body is shed, in fact, the personality remains the same, complete with likes, dislikes, prejudices, talents, and attitudes.  In time, a spirit might progress to higher spiritual level and perhaps enlighten itself, but this, too, is strictly up to the individual.  Also, we must understand that a spirit's knowledge of things in general is slightly above our physical comprehension.

Many clients come to me seeking information from spirits regarding wealth, love, or career.  Usually, I tell them that they might be disappointed.  When a soul comes on this earth to learn certain lessons or to spiritually progress, the last thing he or she needs is for a spirit being to give the answers to a situation that may be a test.  We must be aware that there are spiritual laws, and a spirit cannot interfere or try to influence the spiritual or karmic progression of another.



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Chuyện Ma - Page 5 Empty Re: Chuyện Ma

Post by Phuoc Wed Sep 06, 2023 4:46 pm

As living individuals, we are made up of everything we have ever experienced in past lifetimes.  In other words, our present lifetime is a compilation of past thoughts, actions, and deeds, positive or negative, that we have brought with us.  Because of past karma, we find ourselves being reborn into certain family situations with a particular economic and social status that is necessary for our spriritual growth.

Before coming into an earthly incarnation, a soul prepares for its new life in the spiritual realms.  It is common for a soul to return to a field of work in which it had previous lifetimes of interest or experience.  It will spend time with its guides and teachers perfecting necessary skills and will look into breakthroughs and technologies that will be available at that time.  As a soul becomes aware of this knowledge, it is integrated into a new personality.

As spiritual beings, we are forever learning, developing, and evolving.  We look at our future incarnation as sort of a blueprint of what we are attempting to accomplish and learn as we walk in the physical body.  Our karma is interwined with the timing of our next incarnation and our experience in it.

Ultimately, we all are here to learn love.  It may sound simple, but by and large, it is not easy.  Love has many aspects.  One of the first lessons we are attempting to learn is a love of self.  Without love and awareness of self, we will not know how to love others.    Once we have mastered such unconditional love of self and others, we become enlightened and have respect for the natural law of cause and effect.  By understanding this law, and by living it, we come to respect each other's uniqueness.  Then we can live in accordance with our fellow human beings for the betterment of all.



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Chuyện Ma - Page 5 Empty Re: Chuyện Ma

Post by Phuoc Wed Sep 06, 2023 5:06 pm


This earth is a place of experience elements and aspects of the human condition we cannot experience anywhere else.  It is a place of growth, and growth is never easy.  Many times worries of survival are associated with feelings of self-destruction.  We think, I can't get through this, or I would be better off dead.

From a spiritual point of view, it is not right...  When life is cut short, our physical body ceases to exist, but we must understand that the magnetic ties we have to the earth are still active.  These ties are severed only when we have completed our preordained time on the physical plane.  For as it is written, Every season has its time.

When a person kills himself, one of the first things he realized is that he is not dead.  He has an overwhelming feeling of being very heavy because of the earth ties are still part of his nature.  In a way, we can say the soul is not totally free.  The soul remains stuck between the physical world and the spiritual world --- alive but unable to communicate with loved ones or anyone else.  The soul feels guilt, pain, and anguish for a life cut short.  He learns of his destiny and how beneficial and meaningful his life would have been if he had stayed alive.  In the spiritual state, he becomes aware of why he had to go through the particular experiences that drove him to suicide.  He also senses the grief and anger of those he left behind.  The most unfortunate circumstance is that he finds himself in a limbo state.  He is not able to go to the heaven worlds, nor is he able to return to the physical world.  He is stuck in a "no-man's land" with the constant memory of his horrific act.  He sees his death over and over again, and it plays like a bad movie.  He is trapped, and there is no way out of the theater.

While some are conscious of what they have done, many suicide victims may not even be aware that they have passed over.  On the whole, these souls automatically relive their final death over and over again.  The suicide act becomes an endless loop, and it can be pretty gruesome.  Eventually, the time comes when they realize that they are actually dead to the physical plane.



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Chuyện Ma - Page 5 Empty Re: Chuyện Ma

Post by Phuoc Wed Sep 06, 2023 6:00 pm

Capital Punishment

Yes, it is wrong for one to take the life of another, and it is true under any circumstance, including capital punishment.

Our universe is much larger than we can conceive, and we need to start looking at this situation and every act through spiritual eyes.  When a spirit of an individual is forced out of the body by capital punishment, the personality of the criminal remains exactly the same as it was prior to execution.  When it reaches the other side, it is usually scared and angry because more than likely it is not highly evolved and is ignorant of spiritual laws.  In most cases, such a soul roams endlessly throughout the lower astral world with other like-minded souls.  Because these tormented souls carry a mind-set of anger and hatred, they often seek revenge for their untimely deaths.  They search the earth for weak-minded humans whom they can mentally influence to kill or hurt others.  It is very true.

By capital punishment, we continue the propagation of violence upon one another.


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Chuyện Ma - Page 5 Empty Re: Chuyện Ma

Post by LoveStory08 Wed Sep 06, 2023 6:19 pm

I dont want to comment on this but Im glad we have lawmaker to take care of it!


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Chuyện Ma - Page 5 Empty Re: Chuyện Ma

Post by Phuoc Wed Sep 06, 2023 9:08 pm


What appears as an accident, or even a natural disaster, is not always what it seems.  Nothing happens by chance.  Not only are things based on karmic obligations, but a soul, or a group of souls, makes an agreement in spirit before entering the physical world.  Everything in life occurs as part of a spiritual plan.  All of life is about learning from our experiences.  In order to learn the fullness of life, each soul has to experience it all.  Therefore, along with the positive, a soul must go through a negative experience.  One must learn the duality of nature.  It is through the negative that the positive is appreciated.

With this in mind, certain souls agree in spirit to experience a natural disaster, or a plane crash, and agree to leave their bodies in this manner.  Is this a conscious decision?  No, I don't believe it could be.  Our egos would not allow this type of harm to our bodies.  We cannot understand these things with our rational minds because these matters are of a spiritual nature.


Love, lawmaker can execute people, who exocise of the evil spirits we can't see?  The lawmaker could have executed the innocence and the evil spirit move on to another person.   The churches don't want to get involved, not many temples have abilities.

"Demon Activity

Yes, demons do exist! They have been active on this earth for millennia, as we have seen. But what kinds of problems do they cause? Are there different kinds of demons? Are some more aggressive than others? And what about mental illness; how does it differ from demon possession?

Some demons are more aggressive, hateful, vengeful than others, and different demons affect the people they possess in different ways. "

Church of God International:    https://www.cgi.org/demon-possesion


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Chuyện Ma - Page 5 Empty Re: Chuyện Ma

Post by LoveStory08 Wed Sep 06, 2023 9:11 pm

Theyre just doing their job!


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Chuyện Ma - Page 5 Empty Re: Chuyện Ma

Post by Phuoc Wed Sep 06, 2023 9:19 pm

Love, here is another article about demon possession:

As a psychiatrist, I diagnose mental illness. Also, I help spot demonic possession.
How a scientist learned to work with exorcists.

The Vatican does not track global or countrywide exorcism, but in my experience and according to the priests I meet, demand is rising. The United States is home to about 50 “stable” exorcists — those who have been designated by bishops to combat demonic activity on a semi-regular basis .



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Chuyện Ma - Page 5 Empty Re: Chuyện Ma

Post by Phuoc Wed Sep 06, 2023 9:36 pm



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Chuyện Ma - Page 5 Empty Re: Chuyện Ma

Post by Phuoc Wed Sep 06, 2023 10:18 pm



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Chuyện Ma - Page 5 Empty Re: Chuyện Ma

Post by LoveStory08 Wed Sep 06, 2023 10:48 pm

Not interested bro. Thx though!


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Chuyện Ma - Page 5 Empty Re: Chuyện Ma

Post by Phuoc Thu Sep 07, 2023 11:57 am

Different angle of spirits, evil spirits or demons.

Exorcisms: The World's Leading Psychiatric Authority Speaks Out

Vietnamese version of Dr. Richard Gallagher, M.D.  Ở cuối video có recording, giọng nói của evil spirits.



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Chuyện Ma - Page 5 Empty Re: Chuyện Ma

Post by Phuoc Sat Sep 09, 2023 4:40 pm

Các bạn coi cho vui, mình cũng chưa nghe qua người này bao giờ.  Ổng nói ổng đọc/sửa đuợc sổ chết.  Ổng làm nghề nhà quàn.




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Chuyện Ma - Page 5 Empty Re: Chuyện Ma

Post by Phuoc Sat Sep 09, 2023 7:03 pm

From Sam's patreon, newest:

RA:  This will rewire your brain to 5D



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Chuyện Ma - Page 5 Empty Re: Chuyện Ma

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