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Chuyện Ma

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Chuyện Ma Empty Chuyện Ma

Post by Phuoc Wed Aug 16, 2023 12:13 am

Mình vừa đọc quyển Ghosts Among Us, sau đó đưa đẩy đến một vài việc khác dính líu. Sáng nay đọc fb thấy có post này, đem về cho các bạn đọc, chuyện thiệt nha của người quen:

Grand Hyatt Taipei nằm ở vị trí vàng của thủ đô Đài Bắc mà không có hotel nào ở Đài Bắc có thể sánh bằng. Grand Hyatt sát bên tòa nhà chọc trời Taipei 101 biểu tượng của Đài Loan. Các cửa hàng thương mại lớn, các hàng hiệu nổi tiếng từ Hermes, LV, Chanel, Gucci, Burberry…. đều có mặt nơi đó.!Tầng hầm của Taipei 101 là food court với hơn mấy chục quán và có cả Din Tai Fung mà cái line chưa bao giờ thấy ngắn . Ngay đó cũng là trạm metro Red line chạy thẳng đến trạm xe lửa, metro chính của Đài Bắc Taipei Main station
Bên kia đường của Grand Hyatt là Taipei city hall và cũng có một trạm metro khác Blue line. Sau lưng Grand Hyatt là Taipei World trade center
Với một vị trí vàng, tiện lợi về mọi mặt thêm phần sang trọng hào nhoáng của hotel mà giá cả lại rất mềm, rẻ hơn các hotel 5 sao khác, chỉ bằng giá của các khách sạn 3-4 sao ở xa trung tâm.
Đi Đài Loan là quyết định phút chót của mình, đáng ra chỉ quá cảnh 14 tiếng nhưng mình đổi ý và xin hãng máy bay cho ở lại thêm 3 ngày. Lúc lên máy bay ở Houston, nhân viên hãng United Airlines chỉ có thể giúp mình bằng cách tag hành lý đến Đài Bắc cho mình pick up còn có được ở lại hay không còn tùy nơi đó. Đến nơi, Eva bằng lòng cho mình hủy chuyến bay kế tiếp và lúc đó mình mới book khách sạn. Nói dài như vậy để thấy rằng khi book Grand Hyatt mình chưa đọc và chưa tìm hiểu gì nhiều về khách sạn này ngoài thông tin: luxury, tiện lợi và giá rẻ
Khi đến nơi mình rất impressed vì vẻ lộng lẫy, sang trọng xa hoa của khách sạn nhưng có một hạt sạn đó là bức tượng sáp một người security đứng ngay cửa lên thang máy. Bức tượng to lớn không ăn nhập gì đến toàn bộ trang trí của khách sạn và ánh mắt bức tượng như soi mói vào mỗi người khách bước vào thang máy.
Vì đến sớm nên mình phải để hành lý lại cho front desk để đi ăn sáng và sang Taipei 101 chơi giết thì giờ đến 2 giờ chiều mình quay lại thì cô tiếp tân thông báo họ upgrade phòng mình lên city views mà mình thật ra cũng không quan tâm mấy, chỉ trừ khi view biển, view núi chứ coi đường xe chạy thì cũng không có chi đặc biệt hơn. Thật ngạc nhiên khi nhận phòng là một giường king size và cái sofa bed đã dược mở ra, set up gối mền cho 2 người nữa. Thông thường phải request thì hotel mới set sẵn như vậy chứ mình chỉ có 1 người , mình thích là có sofa cho mình ngồi chơi xem TV hay lướt net chứ thêm cái giường làm chi ? Chắc ai request rồi không nhận chứ phòng này không phải cho mình. Căn phòng tuy rộng rãi sáng sủa nhưng không hiểu sao mình cảm thấy không thoải mái, mình nghĩ bụng có lẽ vì lang thang cả 5-6 tiếng trong Taipei 101 nên mệt vì thế mình không buồn gọi service cho họ dẹp cái giường và dựng lại sofa cho mình. Sẵn cái giường đó gần outlet cắm điện nên mình charge phone và nằm đó ngủ thiếp
Không biết mình đã ngủ được bao lâu mà bị bóng đè, lúc đó mình tỉnh táo nhưng không thể nhấc tay nhấc chân mà cũng không là lên được, mình cứ ráng và cứ ráng nói với bản thân “ ráng vùng dậy, ráng vùng dậy “ cuối cùng mình thoát ra được, nhìn đồng hồ mới 2:30pm mình hơi ngạc nhiên là chỉ ngủ chưa được 30 phút lại bị như vậy, lúc trước thỉnh thoảng mình cũng bị nhưng thường vào ban đêm và phải ngủ say lắm mới bị bóng đè, night mare
Nghĩ như vậy nhưng mình cũng không quan tâm lắm. Mình ở khách sạn hầu như mỗi tháng, có khi ở chung, còn ngủ một mình thì rất nhiều , ngay cả trong nhà mình mấy năm trước Gary thường ở trong bệnh viện cũng chỉ một mình mình ở nhà nên mình chưa bao giờ sợ ở một mình
Chiều hôm đó mình có food tour lúc 5:30pm, mình muốn ra ngoài sớm để tìm hiểu hệ thống metro của Đài Bắc luôn nên mình dậy đi tắm và sửa soạn cho buổi chiều. Cửa phòng tắm của mình mở vì thường khi ở một mình, mình không đóng cửa nhà tắm. Tắm xong thì mình đứng trước gương để sấy tóc, bỗng nhiên thấy thoáng một bóng người lướt qua, tưởng đâu mấy người dọn phòng vào mà mình không nghe gõ cửa vì tiếng máy ồn, lật đật bỏ máy sấy tóc chạy ra nhìn thì không thấy ai. Nghĩ có lẽ mình mất ngủ nên ảo giác nhưng mình cũng bật đèn cả phòng lên cho sáng. Đối diện phòng tắm là một cái bar để trà, cà phê và trên tường có một cái mirror. Khi mình đứng trang điểm dĩ nhiên mình thấy cái gương bên kia phản chiếu lại phía sau lưng của mình. Mình có cảm giác rất lạ là hình như mình thấy có ai ở phía sau lưng nhìn chằm chập vào mình, khiến mình phải đi đóng cửa phòng tắm lại và hối hả thay đồ ra đi
Sau buổi food tour tối đó mình còn theo mấy người bạn mới quen lang thang ở một khu chợ đêm khác, chỉ ăn thôi không uống beer rượu gì cả. Hơn 10 giờ tối mình mới lững thững đi bộ từ trạm xe lửa về khách sạn. Vì đi nhầm lối ra, thay vì ra cổng Taipei 101 chỉ cần băng qua đường là đến cổng trước khách sạn, mình lại ra ngõ World Trade Center tức là phía sau của khách sạn nên mình phải đi một vòng khá xa. Trong màn đêm, ánh đèn lung linh lộng lẩy của Taipei 101, City hall chois sáng chung quanh vẫn không làm cho Grand Hyatt rực rỡ theo mà vẫn mang một vẻ âm u lành lạnh
Về phòng mệt nhoài sau buổi tối đi bộ khắp Taipei, thay đồ xong mình lăn ra ngủ vùi. Lại bị bóng đè lần nữa. TỈnh dậy mình chạy đi tiểu xong ra định ngủ tiếp thì lại nghe có tiếng flushing trong toilet mà bồn cầu ở đó là loại smart, tự động mở nắp, tự động flush và tự động đóng nắp. Lần đầu mình nghĩ nó bị mad chỗ nào đó nhưng hai ba lần như vậy mình lại chạy vào xem thì thấy nó vẫn bình thường. Trở ra ráng ngủ tiếp thì một lát sau lại nghe tiếng xê dịch của mấy chai lotion, nước hoa, make up trong phòng tắm. Lần này mình chạy vào bật đèn sáng trong phòng tắm luôn và quay ra cố ngủ trở lại. Ngủ thêm một chút nữa thì mình lại nghe tiếng thì thào nói chuyện mà xa xa gần gần không biết nói tiếng gì. Tưởng phòng cách âm không tốt chắc là phòng bên nói chuyện nên mình lại ngủ tiếp. Trong giấc ngủ của mình kỳ này lại nghe tiếng sột soạt ở cái sofar bed bên kia như có tiếng người trở mình lăn lộn. Lần này thì mình thức dậy luôn, bật đèn sáng cả phòng và ngồi lướt net đến sáng ( tập trung vào chuyện đi Nhật mà chưa hề planning cái gì hết 😀)
Sáng hôm sau mình chỉ tắm rửa qua loa rồi thay đồ đi ngay, không make up, không làm tóc vì không muốn đứng trước gương. Tính mình cũng bướng và dạn nghĩ rằng có lẽ mình đi máy bay dài và lang thang nhiều nên mệt mỏi bị ảo giác, thấy không thoải mái, rờn rợn nhưng không sợ hãi
Chuyến đi chơi day trip lên phía Bắc của Taipei khá thú vị làm mình quên đi chuyện tối hôm trước. Lúc ra về xe tour drop mình ở Taipei 101 và anh chàng Mỹ đi chung đoàn mình cũng xuống theo, thì ra he cũng ở chung khách sạn với mình. Mình nói với anh ta, khách sạn đẹp, sang trọng thuận tiện giao thông nhưng không hiểu sao giá lại rẻ như vậy. Anh ta tròn mắt nhìn mình “ You thật sự không biết gì về nó? Nó bị ma ám nổi tiếng nhất thế giới, đến Thành Long còn phải bỏ chạy giữa đêm và thề không bao giờ trở lại. Khách sạn đẹp và sang nhưng không có một chính khách, ngôi sao màn bạc minh tinh nào của Trung Quốc, Hongkong hay Taiwan đến ở cả “ Crying or Very sad
Thì ra cả đêm qua mình có khách không mời mà đến hay chính mình là khách không được chào đón của người ta 😁Có lẽ vậy mà người nào đó không ở phòng này nên tiếp Tân đưa lại cho mình vì phòng đã set up cho 4 người, không ai tự nhiên kéo sofar ra set up một cái giường cho 2 người nữa tổng cộng là 4 người cho một mình mình
Đến bây giờ thì mình thật sự cảm thấy ớn lạnh, không về phòng nữa mà trở lại Taipei 101 lang thang trong đó, text cho hai người bạn . Chị bạn hỏi mình
- Có thấy tượng môn thần nào không ?
- Môn thần là gì ?
- Thần giữ cửa để trấn áp tà ma
Nghe đến đó thì mình vỡ lẽ ra là cái tượng sáp của một người security đứng ngay cửa đi vào thang máy. Môn thần thế kỷ 21 là security guy chứ gì nữa
Thế là mình về khách sạn vào phòng khấn thầm bằng tiếng Anh ( ngôn ngữ quốc tế chứ khấn bằng tiếng Việt sợ chủ nhà không hiểu thì sao 😀) là mình sorry mình đã ở trọ một đêm, không thích thì mình sẽ đi không làm phiền nữa. Mình báo cho manager đêm đó là mình sẽ dọn ra vì có những điều kỳ bí tâm linh khiến mình không ngủ được. Manager đồng ý ngay, hứa sẽ trả lại tiền cho mình vì mình trả 3 đêm mà chỉ ở mới 1 đêm. Cô đó còn cho security guy đưa mình về phòng giúp mình thu xếp hành lý, thông thường chuyện này là bellman làm nhưng kỳ này là security mặc bộ đồ như trên bức tượng sáp. He đi dạo một vòng trong phòng, gõ cửa, gõ bàn như kiểu kiểm tra hay chào hỏi gì đó xong ra cửa đứng đợi. Khi mình xong xuôi he đẩy hành lý và đưa mình thẳng ra cửa, không ghé qua làm thủ tục trả phòng và đã có xe taxi của khách sạn mướn chờ sẵn bên ngoài để đưa mình sang Kimpton trong khu Da’an


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Chuyện Ma Empty Re: Chuyện Ma

Post by Phuoc Wed Aug 16, 2023 12:32 am

Trong quyển Ghosts Among Us có nói đến một ông physical medium người Anh, Leslie Flynt, "direct voice" medium.  Có nghĩa là linh hồn nói qua miệng của ông nhưng là giọng của họ.  Ông đã mất lâu lắm rồi, hồi đó khi ông gọi hồn, người ta có thâu lại tapes, mình đã tìm được nhiều recordings on Youtube under his channel, hơi khó nghe nên phải turn on caption để đọc.


Đây là giọng của Gandhi about religions:

Vào đây có chữ:


Last edited by Phuoc on Wed Aug 16, 2023 12:53 am; edited 1 time in total


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Chuyện Ma Empty Re: Chuyện Ma

Post by Phuoc Wed Aug 16, 2023 12:43 am

Đây là giọng của môt đứa trẻ, Mickey.

Mickey: "We have mental newspapers on our side. We know what's going on in your world. Hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of people from our side, come down to help when there is distress and there is need.  Since there's always distress and need, we're pretty permanently around, mate." (when asked if they help in disasters and such)



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Chuyện Ma Empty Re: Chuyện Ma

Post by Phuoc Wed Aug 16, 2023 4:56 am

Quotes from Ghosts Among Us, taking at random, tác giả la James Van Praagh, medium:

"I often do readings in demonstrations among hundreds and sometimes thousands of people.  When the demonstration begins, ghosts line up behind me and around their loved ones in the audience, trying their best to get a message through to a husband, wife, relative, or friend.  Ghosts describe what it's like to die.  They want to make sure people understand that death is a very natural process and not the end.  Sometimes it takes a person a while to even realize that he or she is dead and is in ghostly form.

From what I have been told by spirits, it seems very common that when they first pass and return to their spiritual home, they are brought to a place (usually the childhood home)  that looks identical to the environment they had on earth.  If it is a home, everything, right down to the furniture and aromas, will be the same as the spirit remembers it.

When a person commits suicide, sometimes the soul feels a tremendous amount of guilt and anguish until it understands the effects of its suicide on loved ones.  Because the ghost is in a highly distressed state of mind, it may stay in the same place where it last experienced life.  For such a soul, such an existence can feel like self-induced torture.  Rest assured, however, the majority of souls who die by their own hand are usually met by compassionate spiritual beings who help them to overcome their despair.  Nonetheless, suicige has agonizing consequences for the whole family.

Earthbound ghosts are extremely attracted to the energy of the living and move about in areas where life is flourishing.  They use the living's life force to sustain their power.  These ghosts are very influential and can sometimes cause the living to engage in activities that they might not normally do.  Earthbound ghosts are often lost souls, and they need help to move out of the earthly realm and into the higher light.

Another way a person becomes earthbound is by a traumatic death, like murder, or by an unexpected one, like a plane crash.  The person might not realize he or she is dead for quite some time, living in the illusion that he or she is still alive.

Leslie Flint , the most tested medium of the 21st century, hailed as the number-one physical medium in the world.  Physical mediums contact spirits through their own physical bodies.  A ghost uses the medium's physical energy and forms into a shape that becomes physically visible, or it uses the medium's voice to speak.

One doesn't automatically change his or her mental and emotional mind-set after death.  If one is obsessed with money, the worship of money is still there even after death.  Ghosts obsessed with the money they left behind will try to control the purse strings from the other side by influencing their heirs with thoughts.  This can be a tough lesson for people who can't let go.

Eventually, earthbound ghosts live out all of their earthly desires and have a sense that they want to experience something more.  When they do, they are ready to move into the higher mental and spiritual dimensions."


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Chuyện Ma Empty Re: Chuyện Ma

Post by Phuoc Wed Aug 16, 2023 6:15 am

Mình mua bộ bài Talking To Heaven của James Van Praagh trước khi đọc sách của ông.  Cuối tháng 7, cousin của mình mất nên muốn thử communicate, có hai lá bài, một nói về tánh của anh mà mình chưa bao giờ nghĩ tới, hai là anh sẽ dẫn dắt thằng con anh đến nơi.  Đem bộ bài đi khoe và cho mất rồi, vì người đó thấy đúng quá.

A review: "after a few times I have become good at it, and they really do work, and I love that I now have a new way to stay in touch with my Mom & Dad, and they are good at answering my questions, or I even sometimes just tell them to tell me what they want instead of me asking. It is so comforting to be able to have found this new line of communicating with Heaven and my Mom & Dad."



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Chuyện Ma Empty Re: Chuyện Ma

Post by Cuom Wed Aug 16, 2023 7:46 am

Thank you Phước for posting bài đọc của hotel ở Taipei. Mình có trải qua 1 chuyện tương tự như vầy khi hãng gởi đi công tác ở Pittsburg, Pensylvania. Đi 1 group 5 người, nhưng tất cả đều ở riêng phòng. Phòng mình nhỏ nhưng rất đẹp và sạch sẽ, tối mình ngủ cứ hay bị thức giấc vì tiếng giội bồn câu trong phòng tắm. Một, hai ngày đầu mình chỉ ngạc nhiên thôi, không sợ, vì cứ nghĩ là của phòng kế bên, nhưng không phải. Rồi mình cũng nghĩ là ống nước bồn cầu bị hư gì đó. Sau vài lần như vậy mình vô nhà tắm đứng nhìn, nhưng lại không thấy có gì hết. À, tối mình tắt hết đèn để ngủ, chỉ để đèn sáng trong phòng tắm và khép hờ cửa lại thôi.

Mình không có cảm tưởng có ai khác trong phòng, và dược 1 cái mình làm việc mệt nên tối về ngủ rất ngon, chỉ có giữa đêm thế nào mình cũng bị thức giấc vì tiếng giội nước bồn cầu, nhưng sau đó ngủ trở lại được ngay. Mình có kể cho ông xã mình nghe khi ổng gọi thăm mình mỗi tối, nhưng ổng cũng trấn an minh nói chắc đường ống nước có gì trục trặc. Vậy mà mình cũng ở phòng đó suốt 1 tuần luôn, và không kể lại chuyện này cho 1 ai trong group biết. Cho tới khi về nhà rồi, ngẫm nghĩ lại, mình thấy mình gan thiệt! Đáng lẽ phải nói ra và xin đổi phòng mà mình lại không làm từ đầu.

Phước, sách Ghost Among Us có đọc được free trên online không? Cho mình xin link nhe. Thank you.



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Chuyện Ma Empty Re: Chuyện Ma

Post by Phuoc Wed Aug 16, 2023 8:26 am

Cảm ơn Cườm kể chuyện.  Mình đọc chuyện ma cho biết chứ thật ra không nên sợ, làm cho mình thấp kém mà không thể nào nhận ra quyền năng chân thật của mình, càng làm cho mình sợ chết.

Sách mình mượn ở OC public library, bạn thử check your local library.  Mình đang đợi his other book Talking to heaven : a medium's message of life after death, transfer to my library.

Ebay bán used $3.77 plus tax:



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Chuyện Ma Empty Re: Chuyện Ma

Post by Cuom Wed Aug 16, 2023 7:40 pm

Để rảnh mình check online thử. Lúc này mình lười cầm cuốn sách đọc, không như hồi trước, thích đọc online hơn.


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Chuyện Ma Empty Re: Chuyện Ma

Post by LoveStory08 Wed Aug 16, 2023 9:53 pm

Thx Phuoc. I enjoyed reading it..


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Chuyện Ma Empty Re: Chuyện Ma

Post by Phuoc Thu Aug 17, 2023 5:11 am

Thanks Love for reading.

Mình đang đọc sách của Leslie Flynt: Voices in the Dark: My Life As A Medium.  I will quote some interesting parts.

"At first more of the confused whisperings, later strong clear voices who announced themselves as the persons they had been on Earth, giving their names and addresses and telling us about their lives on Earth.  To my joy I was no longer taken into trance while these manifestations took place, so I too could now hear and appreciate everything that went on.  Indeed I could even hold intelligent conversations with some of the spirit entities who were able to manifest through my mediumship and I can still do so today.

The six of us were sitting together in the quiet darkness, when a man's voice began to speak to us in a foreign language we couln't understand.  Then he said: "Italian was my mother tongue when I was on Earth but I knew some English too and I will speak so that you may all understand.  My name was Valentino and I have come tonight to say how happy I am that this young man has at last accepted the life path he must tread.  I want to tell him that one day when he is a famous medium he will hold a seance in the room which was my bedroom in my house in Hollywood, and I will come to speak to him there when he does so.

Of all the different forms of mediumship, I think direct voice gives the most convincing proof of survival after bodily death.

When the circle was closed and people were leaving, a lady and gentleman lingered behind to talk to me.  He told me he was completly convinced he had been speaking to his dead father, not only because no one else in the world had ever called him George, but because the content of the little lecture and the mannerisms of speech were typical of his father in life.


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Chuyện Ma Empty Re: Chuyện Ma

Post by Phuoc Thu Aug 17, 2023 6:05 am

"The voice of a woman came through sounded distressed, she was a secretary who had been murdered, but her body had not yet been found.  One of the souls who guide me from the other side came through to tell us that the girl was distressed at the manner of her passing.  She was also very worried about the man who had killed her, he was her lover and apparently less to blame for what happenend than she was herself.  After only a few days we read that the girl's body had been discovered and the man she had been living with had disappeared.  The girl returned once more to speak to us, she told us that on the night of her death, her lover had been out on his own and when he came home in the early hours he wakened her and they argued....  He hit her with the bicycle pump, not meant to do her any serious injury, but because of her own condition, the blow had killed her.  The girl said the police would find him sitting in a local park playing with a piece of string trying to find the courage to take his own life.  A day later we red in the local paper that the man had been found and arrested in just the way the girl had described.  He was sent to trial on charge of murder, during this period the girl returned to speak to us several times.  She told us with great confidence that her lover would not be found guilty and that the charge would be manslaughter, sentenced to 5 years and in the end this is exactly what happened."


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Chuyện Ma Empty Re: Chuyện Ma

Post by Phuoc Thu Aug 17, 2023 9:36 am

"Those who guide me from the other side of life told us that the atmosphere surrounding the Earth was so filled with fear and thoughts of war, that it was hard for those who live in the light to penetrate what appeared to them as a thick fog.

I had so often listened to the voices from beyond the grave of men and women who had been cut off in the prime of their lives by sudden death.  They had spoken of their confusion and distress and how they had to cling to the familiar Earth because it was all they had ever known.  I had heard their reproaches, 'Why didn't I know?  Why didn't someone tell me?  I was a patriot and my country was at war for a cause I believed to be just.  But when this dreamlike half-war turned into the real thing, the killing would begin in earnest and like other young and fit men, I would be called to join the armed services.  

Yet after all I had heard from the other side, about the soul's bewilderment when it is thrust suddenly out of its physical body into the next plane of existence, how could I be responsible for sending any unprepared human spirit into eternity?"


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Chuyện Ma Empty Re: Chuyện Ma

Post by Phuoc Thu Aug 17, 2023 9:06 pm

"Arthur Doyle (spirit) wanted to say a few words to Mr. and Mrs. Kite before their son came to speak to them.  In his lifetime Doyle had become convinced of spiritualism after years of sitting with mediums and he spoke sympathetically to the parents, who had no real knowledge of psychic matters.  He explained to them how, after Peter's plane had crashed, their son had found himself still alive, but in a new body and this spirtual, more subtle body resembled, in every respect, his physical body which he had seen lying motionless in the wreckage of his aircraft.  At first, Doyle told the couple, their son had been bewildered because, although he could see the body which he recognised as himself,  he felt so gloriously alive and well that he simply did not realise he was dead.  

When the two local peasants came to investigate the wrecked aircraft Peter was puzzled when they seemed unable to see or hear him,  but then some friends of his, whom he knew to be already dead, had arrived and explained this new condition of life to him and took him to his new plane of existence.

...Then Peter Kite greeted his father and mother with excitement.  "I've got the dog, Mother,' he said laughingly,  'it'san Alsatian'.  This was a reference to a joke he had played on his mother only a few days before his death.  Mrs Kite was not a dog lover.  For almost 40 minutes the voice of Peter Kite went on providing evedential detail after details that were trivial in themselves, but in combination they gave his parents incontrovertible proof of his identity and continued existence.  After the seance was over both parents declared their son's survival of death had been conclusively proved to them.  Mrs Kite said 'I have found more comfort in this seance than from any other source since my son was killed and I have lost a great deal of the bitterness I felt.'


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Chuyện Ma Empty Re: Chuyện Ma

Post by Phuoc Thu Aug 17, 2023 11:12 pm

Mickey was Leslie's controller from the other side, he arranged the spirits to talk.

"As usual Mickey spoke first, but this time, unsually, he told the huge audience that Mickey was only the name by which he was known in the world of spirit and to his medium.  He said that during his Earth life he was called John Whitehead and had sold newspapers outside Camden Town Underground Station, until he was run over and killed by a lorry when he was 10 years old.  'I'm a lot happier over here than I ever was on your side,' he assured the crowded hall.


In all my years as a medium I have never yet disregarded advice from my spirit helpers, nor did I now ignore their warning that my gift was in danger because I had been overworking.......  For the first time in my life I had time to rest, to meditate, to pursue my hobbies and to enjoy the company of friends.  I grew calmer, more relaxed, and my health was greatly improved.  During these months I waited to be shown the new work which I had been told by my helpers that I must do.


Ellen Terry came to speak and this is what she said:
"You are going to have some remarkable communications and I suggest you keep this contact regularly to build up the power and strengthen the link, which has been deliberatly arranged for your tapes.  There are souls on this side of life with a great desire to make use of these opportunities, to pass through information about life in our world and the mechanics of communication between your world and ours.  The tapes you record will give us the means to reach people in your world and we shall use them to the best of our ability.  We shall bring various souls, from different spheres of life over here, to give talks and lectures which can be sent out and played all over your world to millions of people.  That is why we want you to sit regularly with this medium, to build up the power and make possible the way for these various entities to come and talk to you about themselves and about many things of importance to mankind."



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Chuyện Ma Empty Re: Chuyện Ma

Post by Phuoc Fri Aug 18, 2023 12:05 am

Cosmo Lang spoke in August 1967:

"The study of the human race from time immemorial is a lesson to us all.  Yet we do no heed the lessons we have learned... for centuries man has turned his back on truth and he does not see that within himself, in his inner most soul, is the paramount truth of all, the indestructible truth that man is truly Spirit and thus immortal.

I think back to my earlier years and how I spoke from the pulpit to the many souls that had gathered around to listen...how often.  I did strive to give out the truth as I saw it.

What was lacking was the simplicity and the reality of the knowledge of the power of the Spirit within.  If only I could have known what was truly underlying the teachings of Christ and the many Phophets and the great reformers and teachers of earlier times.  I could have only seen the golden thread which runs from earliest times through all the great religions...that simple thread was the basic of all truth...that all men are Spirit, that all men are part of the great plan, that all life - no matter what form it takes - is indestructible, that even the lower creatures of the Earth have their place and their purpose, not only in your world but in ours also...

There is a place for all God's creatures...who give so much to humanity.  Indeed they do so much more than [we] realise or understanad.  For they are placed in the world...equally with man, full of good purpose.  Our great difficulty when on Earth is to see God's meaning and purpose.  With a different understanding and a different realisation we could truly change the world...

If we would understand...not only the great truth of survival, but how important are all the creatures that share our lives, whether they be our little domestic pets or even the simpler forms of life.  But we are so bound up in our own personal lives that we cannot see there is more wisdom in the simple creatures.  They often live nearer to God than man himself, in their simplicity and humility, in their dumb acceptance of things.  They are more conscious, more aware of the true realities of spirit than any of us.

It is vital that man should see spirit for what it is.  It is not something that is presented to you on a gold place when you arrive here because you are one of the fortunate ones who happened to have been on the right side.  No.  We must remember that spirit animates us all, whether in human form when on Earth or whether in the beauty of nature and the varying aspects of life all around us.  No matter how lowly a form of life may be, it is all part of the same spirit and indestructible.

When on Earth we look upon kingdoms...we think of this country or that country as if there were something vastly different between them and the people who dwell therein...  Of course there are differences in custom, in background, in education or lack of it, in varying experiences..  But underneath all the veneer is the same spirit.  Many may look different in the eyes of another race, yet it's the same spirit animating him.  Spirit is the force which animates all who live human for, everything in nature, and all manifestations of life in the universe.  While you live on Earth you are on the same wavelength, vibration or frequency as all others around you... your physical senses perceive your surroundings as real ad solid, but science tells you that nothing on Earth is solid, the chairs you are sitting on now seem solid to you, but in reality they are open networks of electrical charges whirling around a central necleus at a frequency which is the same as your own.  When you die you will continue to live in your more subtle spiritual double - which is often called the astral body - which vibrates at a greater frequency than your physical body.  This astral body is on the same wavelength as the plane you will inhabit after death, so for this reason, everything there will be as real and as solid to you as your Earth surroundings once appeared to be."


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Chuyện Ma Empty Re: Chuyện Ma

Post by Phuoc Fri Aug 18, 2023 12:20 am

Sometimes a person's astral body or 'etheric double' is projected away from its physical counterpart. This projection can happen involuntarily as the result of a shock, or under anaesthesia, or hypnosis, but some people are able to master the technique of projecting the etheric body at will.  Those who have had the experience say that the ehteric body is connected to the physical one by a pulsating cord of silver light, which elongates as the etheric double moves away fromt he physical.  They often say they can see their physical body lying inert on the bed or couch whenever the projection occurs.  Some people report a feeling of great reluctance to return to the physical body because they felt so light and joyous in the etheric body.  While out of the physical body they describe finding none of the usual restrictions and have no difficulty in walking through walls or by merely thinking of a location, they can find themselves there.  Some having the experience have even described how, when they try to pick up material objects, that their hands move right through whatever object they tried to lift.  

The majority of people who report these experiences not only stress the joy of being 'out of the body' but they are convinced their spiritual counterpart is the form in which they will continue to live after they die.  

A quotation from the Bible, Ecclesistes chap 12, verses 6-7:  'Or ever the silver cord be lossed, or the golden bowl be broken...then shall the dust ruturn to the Earth as it was, and the spirit shall return to God...'

.............. End of this book................


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Chuyện Ma Empty Re: Chuyện Ma

Post by LoveStory08 Fri Aug 18, 2023 12:26 am

Very intriguing phuoc…. Wow..


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Chuyện Ma Empty Re: Chuyện Ma

Post by Phuoc Fri Aug 18, 2023 4:47 am

Love, yeah right?

Mình có quyển sách này, cũng mượn thư viện vì thấy 13,300 five stars reviews.  Rất nhiều chuyện chết đi sống lại và nhớ.  I will slowly type up some.


"I suddenly was in the very dark tunnel going up, up, up.... After passing through from that very dark tunnel, it has changed to very bright light.  I had seen a very bright light, I thought it was sun, but it was not.  I don't have an idea where that light came from.  Someone spoke to me for a while, I heard, and that voice came from that light.  You know what I felt when I saw that light?  When I saw that bright light, I felt that someone loves me very much (but no idea who it was).  I was very overwhelmed with that bright light.  And while I was there, I felt the love, and that love I never felt before.  That light welcoming me very warmly and loves me very much.  My words to the light was this, before I was revived: "I wanted to stay here, but I love my two kids.  When I said this, I suddenly woke up..... Was it true that the light was GOD?  Reason why I felt very overwhelmed?  I felt that only that light ever love me and no one does.  All people I know only to beat me, hurt me, criticized me, offended me and many more.  Nobody love me like that kind of love before.  How I wish, my two kids and me could go there and feel that love forever."


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Chuyện Ma Empty Re: Chuyện Ma

Post by Phuoc Fri Aug 18, 2023 9:14 am

Near Death Experience (NDE).

Reflecting on her experience of Heaven, Crystal, who had been baptized but never felt loved due to the abuser, says:

"The hardest thing for me is finding the words to fully describe what I experienced in heaven, because there are no human words that even come close.  I grasp at words like 'beautiful' and 'brilliant' and 'amazing,' but they are wildly inadequate.  What I experienced in heaven was so real and so lucid and so utterly intense, it made my experiences on Earth seem hazy and out of focus -- as if heaven is the reality and life as we know it is just a dream...  It was a feeling of absolute purity and perfection, of something completely unblemished and unbroken, and being immersed in it filled me with the kind of peace and assurance I'd never known on Earth.  It was like being bathed in love.  It was a brightness I didn't just see, but felt.  And it felt familiar, like something I remembered, to even recognized.  The best way to put it is  this :   I was home."


Jeff left the scene of a fiery car accident to find he "was in a different place.  This was a place of joy.  It was familiar.  It was home.  I felt real, but I was not injured.  I was not a floating orb.  I was myself."  


Samaa, who grew up in the Middle East, found herself in the presence of Love:  "He radiated an amazing love that contained deep acceptance.  I felt neither condemnation nor shame.  At first I hardly dared to look at Jesus, but after a time I felt my body being lifted up.  Then I was standing before Him.  As He smiled at me, relief poured over my soul.  'Welcome home, Samaa,'  He said in a voice sweet and gentle, yet also powerful, like the sound of many waters.  He opened His arms to me.  His beautiful eyes were like blazing fires of consuming love that overwhelmed me."


While Don Piper spent ninety minutes clinically dead, he said, "I saw colors I would never have believed existed.  I've never ever felt more alive than I did then.  I was home.  I was where I belonged.  I wanted to be there more than I had ever wanted to be any where on earth."

Last edited by Phuoc on Fri Aug 18, 2023 9:34 am; edited 1 time in total


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Chuyện Ma Empty Re: Chuyện Ma

Post by Phuoc Fri Aug 18, 2023 9:31 am

Jeff Olsen reflected on his experience, saying,

We were all connected pieces in a huge puzzle of oneness.  Words Jesus had said rushed to my recollection: "In as much as ye have done it unto the least of these my brethren ye have done it unto me."  Was he talking about the awareness I was experiencing?  Did he feel the same thing I was feeling?  Was this how he walked the earth, in the consciousness of knowing each individual soul at this deep level of love? ...  We are all linked and equil in God's eyes.  I was seeing it, feeling it, and experience it.


Dale Black recalls this oneness:

Part of the joy I was experiencing was not only the presence of everything wonderful but the absence of everything terrible.  There was no strife, no competition, no sarcasm, no betrayal, no deception, no lies, no murders, no unfaithfulness, no disloyalty, nothing contrary to the light and life and love.... The shame, because there was nothing to be ashamed of.  There was no need to hide, because there was nothing to hide from.  It was all out in the open.


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